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Happy List: #354

peach ripening on a tree july 2024 on the happy list
Hello! Welcome to this week’s Happy List. I’m so glad you’re sharing this little spot of the internet with me today. Can you believe it’s already August?
This week on the blog I wrote all about flower monogram embroidery and all the different ways I love it and want to incorporate it into my life. Wreath sashes, clothing, wall hangings…so many possibilities, so little time.
I also shared a blast from the archives, a post about our hot press when we lived in Ireland. Don’t know what a hot press is? Think it might be a good way to make a panini? Go read the post to find out.
As always, thank you for being here today. It makes my day to share things with you that interested me, made me smile, or made me think this week. I hope it makes your day too. If you want to connect, and I hope you do, you can always comment on this blog post or email me here. You can also reach out on Instagram or Facebook.

Here’s the Happy List!


I would love for this to be my bed. It looks so cozy. There’s a window to watch the world go by. The shelf above the bed opens for hidden storage.

More small space ideas over at House and Garden UK.

(image: Milo Brown for House and Garden UK)


Kristin from My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia turned seashells into little candles. How fun is this?

It’s like a tealight candle, but better! Get the directions here.

(image: My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia)


Are there any Norah Jones fans in the house? I’ve been listening to her new album, Visions, while writing today’s Happy List. It’s been 4 years since she has released new music.

I also just learned that she has a podcast called Playing Along where she talks to and jams with other musicians of varying genres. I’m going to check that out.

(image: Norah Jones)


Did you know koalas can regulate their body temperature? Not only that, but according to a new study released in the journal, Conservation Physiology, they can predict the changes in the outside temperature, so they can adjust their body temps. Cool, right? Literally.

You can read the study here. If academic lingo isn’t your thing, you can also read this synopsis that describes some of the things koalas do to stay cool – like concentrating their urine to not lose excess water. TMI, but okay.

(image: koala climbing tree in Great Otway National Park via Wikicommons Media)


This week I read the “What Funny Stuff Went Down When You Were A New Parent” post on A Cup of Jo and I haven’t laughed so hard in ages. The comments section is gold.

I even read some to Handy Husband and had him rolling. We are far enough away from those early parenting days that those stories are hilarious to us now.

I’ll spare you the gross stories (there were so many), but my son used to put himself down for a nap in the worst possible places.

P.S. If you need a baby shower gift, please, please get Pottery Barn’s chamois baby blanket. It’s shown in the above picture. You can have the baby’s name stitched on it. I can’t tell you how many countries, planes, trains, automobiles, and buses that blanket was dragged through but it still look almost brand new 14 years later.


For some of you, it’s always candle season. Love that! For the rest of us, candle season will be here soon and it’s time to prepare.

I’ve had these rechargeable arc lighters for two months now and still love them. I haven’t recharged them yet either. There’s no flame. A little electric charge will light your fire in the proverbial and actual sense.

These would make a great gift!

(image: Amazon)


Loved this idea to turn tartlet tins into coasters from Sadie Seasongoods. The fluted edge of the tart tins makes them look like giant bottle caps. So darn clever!

What else could we repurpose into coasters? Hmm…

(image: Sadie Seasongoods)


This Mexican Street Corn Salad from Jessica Gavin looks delicious. Handy Husband loves corn, so I’m always trying to think of different ways to serve it.

Get the recipe here.

(image: Jessica Gavin)


by Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz

Praise the ear.
Praise the hair curling
around the ear.

Praise the music
we never turn on,
only make.

Praise the caps
of your shoulders, my lips
pressed against them.

Praise the poem
I was trying to finish
when you showed up

at my door.

Thank you for reading today’s Happy List.

Be good to yourself and others this weekend.

I’ll see you back here on Monday.




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