
Caption This

This might be my favorite photo of me EVER.

It totally beats all those pictures of me in 3rd grade with a mullet.

Thanks Mom.


The expressions on these girls’ faces? Priceless.

You know you’re doing a good job as a parent if your kids alternate between amazed and embarrassed beyond belief by your antics.

I’m trying to settle on a way to caption this photo. I was trying to teach these girls how to do one of those “jump high in the air” photos. I’d say I knocked it out of the ballpark… on so many levels. Don’t be surprised if this becomes my Christmas card.

So, if you have an idea of how to caption this photo, I’d be happy to hear your ideas! The more hilarious the better.

This isn’t the only silly thing that happens around here! 

Kid Wisdom: Everyday SuperHeroes

How I Accidentally Got My Kids Excited for College

Friday Funnies / Friday Funnies 2 / Friday Funnies 3

How NOT to make a book pumpkin

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