
Free Fall Printable Round Up

When I like something, I really like it. Perhaps that gives me some creature-of-habit tendencies. Therefore, it was no surprise that when we rehung our Pottery Barn knock-off shelves, I propped the same frames up that I usually rest on those shelves.

That’s really all the brain power I was willing to devote to Project “We Just Moved In, Now Get All the Things Off the Floor Before I Go Crazy.”

What is usually up there are these drawings my mom made in fashion design school in the 1970s.


Fast forward a couple of months. Things settled down and autumn rolled around and I was finally in the mood to fall-ify our home.

Except there’s not a big push on fall decor in Ireland and I don’t keep a lot of seasonal decor in storage.

Ah, storage. It’s a concept I fondly remember. So don’t whine to me about needing to clean out your closets. At least you have closets!

Rant over.


The easiest and least expensive thing for me to switch out are the pictures in the frames.

Enter my friend, the internet.

It’s been helping me decorate my home and avoid human interaction since, well, whenever Al Gore invented the internet. Bless his heart.

This is how the space looks now.

Fun, right?

Haha! I really do amuse myself over here.

We don’t have a television, so we mainly use this part of the house for book reading, playing games and lego building.

Lots and lots of lego building.

There are so many talented people in this world and I was able to find all of the autumn-themed prints to put in my frames FOR FREE on various blogs. Woohoo! (links at the end)

I was also able to include a piece of artwork my daughter made in school on the wall.

I figure there will be a day when my kids won’t be bringing artwork home from school, so I do try to incorporate their creations into our decor whenever possible. To see their faces light up when something they have made, then shoved into their backpack and then sat on during the commute home gets put into a frame and hung is…priceless.


I’m still fond of this little pumpkin.

He’s been making the rounds around our home ever since I overpaid for him and a handful of wheat.

Here’s hoping he lasts until the Christmas decor comes out!

A couple of the frames below are 11×14 inches and I don’t happen to have mats for them.

Thankfully, when our last printer died, we switched to an Epson all-in-one machine. The best part of it is that it prints on 11×17 paper. So again, I don’t have to leave my house if I get the whim to print something I found on the internet that needs to fit in an 11×14 frame.

However, if you move to Ireland and think you’re hot stuff because you can buy a new plug for your printer and not have to get a new one, you would be wrong. You’re not that clever! You will have to order your ink from AmazonUSA as they don’t support this particular machine across the pond. Whomp, whomp. 

My moving foibles aside, let’s get back to the real moral of this story. When I sit down in this area to play Connect 4 or read with my kids or observe the newest lego creation at work, I do gather here with a grateful heart. In a world full of uncertainty, I am happy to be here counting my blessings and doing my best to raise children who will, hopefully, grow up to view their lives and the world around them through the lens of a grateful heart.


Here’s where I found all of the FREE fall printables. Give these blogs some love!

Be Grateful Gold Foil Print by Dawn Nicole Designs

Well Hello Beautiful Glorious Fall Print by Nest of Posies

Autumn The Year’s Last Loveliest Smile Print by Moritz Fine Designs

For Each New Morning Print by Sweet Rose Studio

Fall Watercolor Print by Jones Design Co.

Gather Here Print by It’s Overflowing

Fall Day Print by Moritz Fine Designs

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