Bus Stop Gardening Station
gardening and landscape

Bus Stop Gardening Station

Gardening stations or potting benches come in all shapes and sizes, but the bus stop gardening station I have to show you today is pretty darn clever.

I’m throwing “bus stop” in quotation marks for the moment because this bus stop gardening station is not made from an actual bus stop, but it looks like it could have been.


Bus Stop Gardening Station

I take zero credit for this clever idea. It’s not even on my property.

This is a Junk Whisperer project. If you’re an original reader around here, you’ll know I’ve featured several Junk Whisperer projects over the years.

Who is this mysterious Junk Whisperer and how can we learn her ways?

She’s the fun-loving dynamo who married my dad.

As to how we can learn her ways, well, I played the long game.

First and foremost, I gave her cute grandkids. Who can resist that?

Second, I basically wore her down until she gave up all her secrets. How? Easy. I periodically invite myself over, stay for three weeks at a time, and raid her pantry for snacks – as any polite person does.

The rest of you are on your own!


I’ve got you covered! Just finish reading this post and you’ll come away with an idea or two for your own backyard.

Bus Stop Gardening Station

The bus stop part of this bus stop gardening station was crafted by a company in Hubbard, Oregon, called Garden Gallery Iron Works.

There are plenty of ways you could use this bus stop, but The Junk Whisperer used it as the jumping off point for her gardening station.

My dad and The Junk Whisperer recently moved into a brand new home.

Their new home was a blank slate when it came to the landscaping – as in it had none.

Since they were downsizing the amount of property they had to take care of, it also meant there was less room for a gardening shed.

Time to do what The Junk Whisperer does best – get creative.

She said she didn’t know she needed a bus stop for her gardening station until she saw it standing there in all its rusty perfection amongst the other iron creations at Garden Gallery Iron Works.

Sometimes these realizations just smack you over the head. And that’s why I believe in love at first sight.

Bus Stop Gardening Station

The bus stop gardening station makes for an awesome focal point on the side of their house, but it also serves a practical function as a place to contain extra pots and gardening tools.

The Junk Whisperer has a knack for combining a bunch of items that I might consider junk and arranging them in such a way that it appears artful and effortless.

She does a great job of containing like items with other like items to make a collection stand out.

She will repurpose almost anything as a container or a stand to hold her collections.

She’s also not afraid to use a graphic punch, especially when it comes to vintage packaging, boxes, tins, etc.

Bus Stop Gardening Station

I’ve asked The Junk Whisperer her secret to keeping her plants and grass looking so healthy and vibrant.

Do you know what she told me?

Come a little closer so you can hear this secret.

Now get ready for the bombshell.

She told me it takes a lot of time and effort.


Surely there must be another way.

Huge thanks to The Junk Whisperer for sharing her bus stop gardening station with us. It always makes me so happy when she shares her projects!

P.S. The “bus stop” is from Garden Gallery Iron Works in Hubbard, Oregon. You can’t tell from the pictures, but the bus stop has a steel base that is secured into the ground with 12-inch stakes. The wood floor was built on top of the steel base with cedar boards.

P.P.S. The Junk Whisperer has a birthday in a few days and I’m hoping it is her best one yet!

If you’d like to see more of The Junk Whisperer’s projects, read on, friends! Read on.

Bowling Ball Lawn Orb

Painted Tire Hanging Planter

Outdoor Decorating with Farm Junk

Junk Whisperer Potting Shed Part 1

Junk Whisperer Potting Shed Part 2

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