raspberry pie on the happy list
happy list

Happy List: #216

Hello! Welcome to the Happy List!

This week on the blog I shared how we are updating our home with antique hardware. The words updating and antique don’t always go together in the same sentence, but it works in our situation.

I also finally shared how we built the bathroom vanity for our upstairs bathroom. We converted a console sink to a regular vanity base and it will be my favorite thing until the next favorite thing!

If you have been DIYing or doing something fun with your home, please share it with me on social media. I’d love to see what you are up to! The best part about social media is being inspired in some way, shape, or form by others.

Now here is the Happy List!


This entire picture by Jacob Fox for Better Homes and Gardens made me smile.

The white wreath against the red door? Love it.

The yellow flowerpot holding its own against the red, white, and blue? Made me smile.

Firecrackers in the ferns. YES!

Dalmatian with a bandana? *swoon*

photo credit jacob fox for BHG red door with white wreath on the happy list

(image: Jacob Fox for BHG)

P.S. In a past life I used to hire pet talent for photo shoots. Yes, there are modeling agencies for animals. Even for the pros, it’s not always easy to get pets to stay still and look cute without a human in the picture.


I can definitely get behind the idea of strawberry ice cubes from The 36th Avenue! They would be delicious flavoring your lemonade or water. The added benefit is your drink will become more delicious as they melt.

strawberry ice cubes by the 36th avenue on the happy list(image: The 36th Avenue)


There are a lot of neat things about this kitchen, but what caught my eye was the contrasting line of wood trim.

See more pictures of this home in New England Home magazine.

catalano osterville kitchen via new england home on the happy list

(image: photography by Trent Bell & Joseph Keller for New England Home)


How cool is this? Scientists worked for 8 years on the best way to use bacteria to clean Michelangelo’s sculptures in the Medici Chapel and it’s working! Science is so cool.

dawn by michelangelo via wikimedia commons 2011 by skeiter girl on the happy list

(image: Dawn by Michelangelo in 2011 via Wikimedia Commons)


This living wall designed by Lucy Gleeson Interiors is very cool.

I’ve been following along with Mandi at Vintage Revivals as she builds a living wall in her home. From what I gather, the plants are typically planted in felt pockets.

living wall by lucy gleeson interiors via my domaine on the happy list

(image: Lucy Gleeson Interiors via My Domaine)

P.S. That live edge table is awesome too!


If you don’t think ballet is your thing, I’ll bet this will entertain you!

The Pacific Northwest Ballet performed a “mistake waltz” where the dancers are intentionally and comically out of sync at times. This can actually be hard to do!

The playful nature of this performance made me smile!

If the video doesn’t load, here is the direct YouTube link.


As more people are out and about in nature, trail etiquette is a good thing to review. The biggest rule being “don’t be a jerk!” That’s also a good life rule.

This colorful article by Mike Ferrentino for Outside Online is mainly written for cyclists, but, in my experience, the concepts apply to hikers as well.


This Cilantro Lime Sauce in Pinch of Yum’s Crispy Black Bean Taco recipe looks delicious!

crispy black bean tacos pinch of yum on the happy list

(image: Pinch of Yum)


A hidden delight! Go wallpaper the back of your medicine cabinet because every time you open it it will make you smile!

caroline donofrio bathroom cabinet photo by alpha smoot for a cup of jo on the happy list

(image: Alpha Smoot for A Cup of Jo)


UpWorthy published an article titled “14 Awesome Words We Don’t Have in the English Language but Definitely Need.” Here is one of my favorites:

Kummerspeck (German) / Pronounced [koo-mer–speck]

The weight you gain from emotional overeating. Literally—and fittingly—translates as “grief bacon.”

Grief bacon. That made me laugh!

Thank you for reading today’s Happy List! I hope you enjoyed it.

Be good to yourself and others this weekend.

I’ll see you back here on Monday.

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