My Latest Thrift Store Finds
decorating,  thrifting

My Latest Thrift Store Finds: Part 4

An infrequent, but delightful blog post series I like to call “My Latest Thrift Store Finds” is back today.

I suppose it’s a good thing that this series doesn’t occur more frequently because then I’d have to wonder if I have a thrift store shopping problem.

Not possible, right? Right?!?

In no particular order because I don’t play favorites, here are some recent thrift store finds.

Green Glass Trinket Dish

I found the neatest green glass trinket dish that gave off solid ashtray vibes. Classy, I know.

The only reason I’ve convinced myself it isn’t an ashtray is because it’s large and doesn’t have the divots to hold a cancer stick. However, since my only experience smoking is that one time I tried a cigar when I was 18, then I’m probably not the best judge of what is and is not an ashtray.

I do know that all the permutations of my Google search could not find an ashtray, bowl, paperweight, trinket dish, plant saucer, etc. that looked like this green glass gem.

I’m using it as a plant saucer because it makes me happy. When the sunlight hits the green glass, it glows so prettily.

My Latest Thrift Store Finds green glass dish

Just remind me to never drop this thing. It weighs about 5 pounds and would surely break all my toes and my pride as well.


I’m not the person who thinks a basket solves all of their messy house problems. Have you met those people? Trust me…it’s not a lack of baskets that is causing your messy house.

Sometimes I do like a basket to corral little things or to hide my candy stash. Priorities!

This summer I brought home two pretty baskets.

First, is this oval-shaped basket. I loved the detail on this basket and it currently corrals a random assortment of cat toys. It set me back a few dollars.

My Latest Thrift Store Finds basket

Second, I found this sturdy basket with handles. It is holding the cookbooks I never use but that’s just a ruse. The basket is really hiding candy I don’t want the kids to find.

Don’t even try to tell me you don’t hide candy from your kids…or spouse.

My Latest Thrift Store Finds basket

Cloth Napkins

We go through phases of using cloth napkins. We’re either fancy and environmentally conscientious people who use cloth napkins or we are barbarians. There’s no in-between.

I found this set of six not-even-stained napkins for $1.50. The pattern was so pretty that I brought them home even though I don’t commonly use the colors red and purple in my decor.

We are red and purple decor people now!

My Latest Thrift Store Finds cloth napkins red and purple

Fall Painting

I hit the jackpot with this thrift store painting.

I happened to pick up this fall-themed painting that wasn’t priced. The store’s policy is that if it is not priced then it sells for $2.

It looks terrific on my mantel that is decorated for autumn.

My Latest Thrift Store Finds fall painting

Lattice Frame

I picked up and set back down this lattice frame for three weeks in a row at the thrift store. I hadn’t seen anything like it before, which I loved. However, I wasn’t sure what to put in it as it was artless.

Finally, I decided that if I was drawn to this frame multiple weeks in a row and no one else had bought it yet, I needed to bring it home with me.

My Latest Thrift Store Finds lattice frame

It cost $6.

Imagine my surprise when I did a little research and found the exact same frame had sold for $59 on Etsy.

I did cry a little inside though when the seller described it as “vintage from the 1980s.” I am in firm denial that anything from the 80s is vintage and I’ll be feeling that until the day I die.

Pinball Game

My son has a loosely themed vintage game gallery wall in his bedroom. Can you think of a better addition to a wall like this than an old tabletop pinball game?

The printed graphics were so cool on this gameboard. The best part is that it still works!

It cost $20.

I like to imagine there was a mom back in the day grousing that her kids were obsessed with pinball and wouldn’t go outside and play. Just how I do now with video games.

My Latest Thrift Store Finds vintage pinball

When I was younger I didn’t have the patience or desire to hunt through thrift stores to decorate my home.

Now that I’m older and wiser even if I don’t want to call the 1980s vintage, I’ve realized that I don’t want my home to be a carbon copy of everyone else’s. One way to do that is to decorate with a mix of items that are new, thrifted, handmade, up-cycled, and sentimental.

I have plenty of desire, but I’m still working on the patience that is required for thrift store treasure hunting. There can be a lot of junk to sift through to find that treasure!

What do you think about my latest thrift store finds? Do you enjoy thrift store shopping? Have you found any thrift store finds that are so good you still can’t believe it? I’d love to know. You can always comment on this blog post (I have to approve it first before it appears), email me here, or reach out via Instagram or Facebook.

Happy Thrifting!

Thanks for being here today! I love sharing stories and ideas with you. Here are some other blog posts you might enjoy.

My Latest Thrift Store Finds Part 3

Happy Thrifting: Chelsea Forge Antiques and Quaker Antique Mall

Happy Thrifting: Elephant’s Trunk Flea Market

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