pink and navy christmas tree with handmade origami ornaments, paper snowflakes, and mini wood trees set against stained glass window doors

Pink and Navy Christmas Tree With Handmade Ornaments

Nothing says Christmas like pink and blue, right? Ha! It might not be traditional, but my pink and navy Christmas tree is certainly making our home feel festive this Christmas season.

The best part, to me, is that other than the ribbon, every single ornament on the tree is handmade by yours truly. I’m the only elf in this workshop and I’ve been busy.

I painted the mini wood trees.

I cut the paper snowflakes.

I folded the origami trees.

Tis the season to be crafty!

pink and navy christmas tree with handmade origami ornaments, paper snowflakes, and mini wood trees set against a backdrop of giant snowflakes made from blue gift bags

If it isn’t abundantly clear by now, let me lay it out very plainly. I really just like to make things – all different sorts of things – and the holidays give me an 8-ft conical-shaped reason to create. It’s the best!

Given that tidbit of information, it probably won’t surprise you that, while I do love seeing a Christmas tree all decorated, making things to decorate the tree is a lot more satisfying than actually decorating the tree.

I can’t be the only one that feels that way. There must be another like me in this world!

pink and navy christmas tree with handmade origami ornaments, paper snowflakes, and mini wood trees set against a backdrop of giant snowflakes made from blue gift bags

However, I may really be in the minority when I say I enjoy taking the Christmas tree down far more than I enjoy putting it up. Is that blasphemous? It feels a little blasphemous.

Resetting the house after the holidays always feels cleansing to me. Like a fresh start. And it just so happens to coincide with the beginning of a new year.

That said, I did make extra effort this year to coordinate the tree with our living room decor. I pulled the tree decoration colors – pink, blue, grey, peach, and cream – from our living room rug.

My reasoning is that if my pink and navy Christmas tree melded with our regular decor, then maybe I won’t be in such a hurry to take it down right after Christmas.

It’s a solid theory but too soon to tell if that will be the case.

Either way, I’m going put all of these feelings about decorating Christmas trees on the list of “Very Nice Problems To Have” because something far more important happens while the tree is up.

pink and navy christmas tree with handmade origami ornaments, paper snowflakes, and mini wood trees set against stained glass window doors

Every night after dinner, I like to sit in the living room with a cup of tea or hot chocolate and read a book or scroll through Instagram. We don’t own a tv, so our living room lends itself very well to this sort of quiet time.

For one-twelfth of the year, I can practice that little ritual amidst the twinkle and glow of my Christmas tree. It’s heavenly.

It’s not that I don’t enjoy my after dinner ritual the other eleven months of the year. Trust me, I need that daily moment of decompression like I need air to breathe! But I do enjoy it a little bit more and find myself lingering a little longer during December.

That seems like the whole point, doesn’t it? Slow down and enjoy it.

Does having a Christmas tree up enhance your life or everyday tasks in any way? What do you think of my pink and navy Christmas tree? I’d love to know. You can always comment on this blog post, email us here, or reach out via Instagram or Facebook.

Happy Christmas!

P.S. I’d also love to see pictures of your Christmas tree. Feel free to tag me on social media so that I can take a peek!

P.P.S. The giant navy snowflakes were made using navy-colored gift bags. I bought a 100-pack of gift bags five years ago when I was a room parent for my son’s class. We were making Valentine’s Day “mailboxes” and needed them to be blue to go along with the colors of the USPS. It was cheaper to buy a 100-pack than the 24 bags that I actually needed. I have been trying to use those bags up for years. Did I accomplish it yet? NOPE! I still have a handful left but it is a manageable handful now.

Thank you for being here today. I appreciate it more than you know! If you’d like another blog post to read, I’ve got you covered.

Christmas TreeĀ 2017

Christmas Trees In Every Bedroom

How To Make a Piano Hammer Christmas Tree

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