• Food

    Blueberry Zucchini Muffins

    Zucchini. The vegetable that grows an inch every time you turn your back on it. It’s really not my favorite vegetable. However, this recipe has me reconsidering my favorites list. I found a recipe for Blueberry Zucchini Bread on Allrecipes and it had an almost 5-star rating out of approximately 1,600 reviews. Holy smokes! That must be a good recipe. Or is it? Even with amazing online reviews, will it pass muster with my critical family? Chief critics include: the 5-year-old picky, doesn’t eat anything weird eater and the 69-year-old, life-long zucchini hater. Tough crowd. Well, I didn’t tell either of my chief critics that this muffin recipe included 2 cups of zucchini.…