DIY,  gardening and landscape

Potting Shed, Part 1

We spent Thanksgiving in Oregon visiting family and friends. It was so much fun to visit and catch up. Except for that part where we all got sick – that I can do without next time.

One of the perks of the trip (besides not having to cook for 10 days straight) was seeing the projects that my dad and stepmom had been working on over the summer. Holy cowbells! They’ve been busy little bees.

The most impressive project was the potting shed. Isn’t she charming?

Don’t you just want to sit there on that blue chair and watch someone else plant flowers and pull weeds? Oh, wait. That’s might just be me. 😉


The potting shed is located directly behind the house. When I was growing up, there was a much larger building located here (part of it can still be seen behind the potting shed in the first picture and will eventually come down too).

The building served many useful purposes, but over time, it became a dumping ground for junk. Not only that, but the building had begun to deteriorate – the floor was rotting, the siding was on its last leg. About the only ones who liked the building were the rats (ew!) – and we know we can’t trust their opinion! Plus, the eyesore was blocking the view from the back of the house down to the fields.

My stepmom finally convinced my dad it was time for it to go.

What’s really fantastic about this potting shed is how much of it was built from materials they already had on hand or could salvage from the eyesore building.

The siding? My stepmom saved it from the burn pile, sanded it down and repainted it. Her only regret? She made it look a little too nice! Ha! She wanted a nice weathered potting shed look. I said, give it a few years! I’m totally helpful that way.

The metal roof was repurposed from a barn on the property.

And that door? You’re drooling over that door, right? It was barely hanging on to the eyesore building. Looks pretty amazing now, right? My stepmom had it repaired and also ended up replacing the glass panes after some of them broke when she was sanding the door down for a fresh coat of paint. These things happen! 

How do you like the porch ceiling? Perfect shade of blue for it. Definitely bluer than the Oregon sky this time of year! 😉 Just a little rainy Oregon joke since I’m kicking it up in 65 degree, sunny December weather right now.

I know this potting shed was a labor of love! My stepmom definitely has a green thumb and has been transforming the landscaping around the house. It’s pretty incredible to see her visions come to life in creative and natural ways. Now she has a dedicated place to store all of her tools and supplies. There’ll be no stopping her now!

Next time, I’ll show you the pictures of the inside! Yes, there are more goodies inside! I’m so proud of my family for making a place that is not only pretty, but useful too. And how can you not smile while looking at this happy little building?

I have more pictures of this cute potting shed! Read on, read on!

Potting Shed, Part 2

Where’s Your Happy Place? (Potting Shed Update)

And some other gardening goodness!

Decorating Your Flower Beds

Riveter Tool Turned Flower Basket Holder

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