
Apple Raisin Bread

One of my most favorite childhood culinary memories is of my mom making apple cinnamon bread from scratch. She would let us have a slice of hot bread, right out of the oven, with butter slathered over the top. I can still imagine that taste – pure heaven.

Here’s the kicker: I haven’t the slightest clue how she made that bread. If there was a recipe, it was never written down. Since she’s no longer here with us for me to ask, I will just chalk her secret ingredient up to love.

I have since found an Apple Bread recipe that is every bit delicious and if you are afraid of yeast-based breads, never fear! This one uses baking powder to help the bread rise while baking. No yeast is needed. Plus, it still has a genuine bread-like texture, unlike your more cake-like breads (banana bread, zucchini bread, etc.).

The “secret” ingredient in this recipe is plain greek yogurt. Who would have thought? Now, I’ll tell you a secret of my own. When I made the bread this time, I used plain, regular yogurt since it was so much cheaper than the greek yogurt. I’m no expert, but I couldn’t tell the difference in the baking outcome.

Greek yogurt does have a few nutritional differences from regular yogurt, one of them being more protein. But based on my trial run, for this recipe, I think you can use whichever suits your taste, availability and budget.

The only other modification I made to this recipe is in the topping. The recipe calls for turbinado sugar and cinnamon. I haven’t ever had a reason to keep turbinado sugar on hand, so I used a liberal amount of brown sugar. And by liberal, I mean a heavy hand! And by heavy hand, well, you get the point!

Also, this is my first time using paper, disposable baking pans. Have you seen these? They are supposedly oven safe up to 400 degrees. Since I was giving this bread as teacher gifts, I thought this would be a good way to package and transport the bread.

I’ll admit I did keep a close eye on things while baking, but they seemed to work just fine. I did not open one up to see how the bread looked after it was done, but I did get compliments on the bread, so hopefully it all worked out. 🙂 I found these loaf pans at Target, but here is a similar disposable loaf pan from Amazon.


You will be sure to make someone very happy if your make them this amazing Apple Raisin Bread. You can find the recipe here from the Tasty Kitchen site. Enjoy!

More tasty carb posts are on this blog! I can’t help myself!

Pane Bianco with Apples, Cinnamon and Raisins

Would I Make It Again: Apple Fritter Muffins

Dave’s Killer Bread Copycat Recipe

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