clothing and jewelry

Thelma and Louise Leather Cuffs

A super cool chick and friend of mine recently had a birthday. She likes it when I remind her that she just had a birthday. In fact, nothing gets her more excited than talk about aging.

Well, nothing except jewelry!

I can’t really blame her. We do share a common love for shiny accessories.

Over multiple occasions and margaritas (my husband makes a mean margarita) this friend and I have daydreamed about taking a road trip when we are old and blue-haired. I’d like to see a parade in every state. Why you ask? Why not, I say? Parades are everything that’s right about this country.

Talk of these adventures somehow always leads to mention of a Thelma and Louise style road trip. Minus the crime and the stupid life decisions and that whole part about driving off a cliff.

Basically, it’s a road trip with Brad Pitt.

Margaritas have a way of helping you crystalize what’s really important.


For my friend’s birthday (you didn’t know if this post was going anywhere, did you?), I found the perfect gift combining jewelry and road trip nostalgia.

Fun, right?

These Thelma and Lousie cuffs are made by an Etsy shop in Oregon called Hen and Chicks.

Yes, it was a wee bit ironic that I ordered a gift from a shop in Oregon, had it sent to Georgia and then sent it back to my friend in Oregon for her birthday.

But, I had to take these pictures! And, of course, keep one of the cuffs for myself. Isn’t buying a gift you can share what good friends do???

The gals who run this shop were super sweet, asked me clarifying questions about my order and let me know when my precious parcel shipped. I should have taken a picture of the package – their handwritten touch even made the mail lady smile.  In case you are wondering, no, they didn’t know I was going to write about them. I just wanted to share!


By the way, taking pictures of your own hand is at best awkward and at worst, more awkward.

I like that Hen and Chicks turned a leather belt and a spoon handle into something a little bit sassy. This might be the first leather cuffs both of us have ever owned, so it’s fun to have something like this to mix it up when the mood strikes!

Oh, and the leaf bracelet is from Cost Plus World Market. As if I needed another excuse to go in there!

I have only a handful of close friends, but they make me super happy. The best part? These fabulous ladies keep getting better with time!

P.S. These bracelets from Hen and Chicks are fun too!


I’ve had some fun with leather crafts! Read on! Pretty please…

Leather Wrapped Basket Handle

Leather Map from Old Boots

And some other random posts…

Pom Pom Initial Gift Bag

Denim Pennant Gift Bag Toppers 

*affiliate links in this post*

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  • Ashley

    Anissa- thank you so very much for the lovely write up! Wow! We are so happy that you and Thelma (LOL) are pleased with our products. We would love it if you send us a pic of you two on your road trip!

    Ashley & Penni

    • annisa

      Oh my goodness! We’re tentatively planning a little road trip this summer (with kids, so not the full deal), but I will definitely send you pictures! You guys are awesome!

  • Penni & Ashley

    Oh my goodness gracious! I am blushing (On behalf of my daughter/business co-partner, as well.) with your generous accolades, regarding our Hen and Chicks Too shop on Etsy. Thank you from our hearts, and working hands & feet!

    It is always our earnest desire to create what we hope may become heirloom treasures; which contain beauty and blessed meaning for the heart of each recipient!

    This lil’ Shop is a long time dream of ours, and little by little coming to fruition. Your incredibly kind, generous words, and wonderfully fun rendition of what a sweet friendship can be, just brightens my heart!

    Margaritas ~ young Brad Pitt ~ driving a convertible cross country ~ wind chasing through your hair ~ is the all-time talked about kindred spirit friendship journey dream…and yes, minus the drop off the cliff scene!

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