Family,  junk

Happy Birthday Junk Whisperer

The Junk Whisperer had a birthday yesterday.

She’s going to be SUPER glad I’m mentioning this milestone.

And she’s probably wondering if I’m going to share that EPIC photo of her showing my kids how to do a cartwheel.

I’m not.

The thought did cross my mind though. Briefly. Ever so briefly.

I simply want to wish her a very happy birthday and a year full of blessings.

And hopefully international travel.

To a little island called Ireland.

I also want to tell her thank you.

Thank you for sharing her life with my dad. I can go off on these adventures because I know he’s not alone.

Thank you for loving my kids even though they aren’t your own by blood. My mother isn’t alive to shower them with love, but I want them to know the love of a grandmother and to love a grandmother. They are loved. By you. By Handy Husband’s mom.


I did not get her a fancy gift for her birthday. I didn’t even bake a cake, but it looks like one of my kids probably would have eaten all of the cake frosting anyway.

What I did do was finally devote an entire section for her projects on this ol’ blog! It’s long past time I did!


Here’s to many more happy birthdays and projects. Keep ’em coming!

P.S. All photos in this post are The Junk Whisperer’s creations. To see more of her projects, click here.

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