DIY,  Family

The Gift of Handmade

I recently said to Handy Husband, “Why did you have to go and make such cool beds for the kids? WHY??”

Despite the fact that it was MY idea (and I probably begged) for him to make the beds.

“It would be a lot simpler to move or change up the look of our house if I wasn’t sentimentally attached to these huge things!”


Just kidding about that last part.

I love him, but I don’t want him to get a big head.

I also have some other things I want him to make, so I kind of do need him to keep being awesome.

Then I’ll probably become sentimentally attached to those things and this cycle will repeat itself.

At least I’m aware of my problems.

The person who doesn’t have any problems is The Junk Whisperer. (Yes, I’m kissing up – do you think she’ll notice?) As I may have mentioned one or thirty-seven times, we have invaded her house been visiting The Junk Whisperer for a longer time than is polite this summer.

One morning, I was looking for something productive for my wild animals kids to do when I spied a checkerboard I hadn’t seen before. It looked crafty and homemade.

Turns out, The Junk Whisperer’s dad made it for her when she was a kid. Her mom stained the board and painted the checkerboard squares. Her parents weren’t particularly crafty or into DIY gifts, so this checkerboard really stands out as something unique.

Cue the collective, “AWWW!” I love stories like that one.

Her dad has since passed away and she told me she’d never get rid of that checkerboard because her dad made it. I wouldn’t either – it’s too special.

Here’s the point of me sharing these stories today – especially the irrational conversations I have with Handy Husband.

If you have the opportunity or desire to make something for a loved one, DO IT.

It doesn’t have to be big and extravagant (like a bed) and the kids probably won’t even appreciate it now. BUT! And I speak from experience, decades from now, long after you are gone, the gesture will bring a bit of happiness and a fond memory to your child’s face.

That, in and of itself, makes the effort worth it.

P.S. If you’d like to read more about the beds Handy Husband made, here are some links to past posts.

Pottery Barn Trundle Bed Knock Off

Pottery Barn Farmhouse Style Bed Knock Off

Pottery Barn Farmhouse Style Bed – ONE YEAR LATER 


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