
Oh, The Stories We Will Tell

We have family visiting us in Ireland.

Visiting us! In Ireland!

How cool is that?

Actually, it is literally cool here…62 Fahrenheit in August with a little rain every day just to keep the country’s emerald isle reputation SOLID.

This week I watched my kids play on a 400-year-old tree with an 800-year-old castle in the background.

This tree’s bottom branches had grown down low and were touching the ground, as if inviting each and every child in its vicinity to come play.

(Apparently, this is a sign that the tree was in an area that had never been grazed by livestock.)

I stood there and watched the kids for awhile and it made me wonder about how many children in the last 400 years had played on this same tree. And how many mamas had watched their children, either from the grounds or from a castle window, play on this same tree.

Oh, the stories it could tell.

I’ll be radio silent on the blog the rest of the week because we have so many stories yet to be written. We’re going to take our family on an adventure to explore parts of Ireland that we haven’t yet seen. Most of all, we’re going to be making hearts-bursting-with-happiness memories because I know how precious this time is together.

Oh, the stories I’ll soon be able to tell.

If you want to follow along on our journey, please follow my Instagram page.

If you want to learn more about where this 400-year-old tree lives, please visit Malahide Castle and Gardens.

I have other stories to tell! Try one of these…

Bird Nest in a Shoe

Fishing With Dad

That One Time I Was SURE I Was Going to See A Unicorn

That Time I Went on a Trail Run



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