happy list

Happy List: #99

Hello, hello! I sure hope you’re enjoying the Christmas season.

This week I shared two equally awesome things on the blog. One was free. The other wasn’t. If you missed it, read about my new artwork here and my new tree here.

Guys, my introvert streak runs deep, but I love it when you comment on the blog or connect with me on social media. I’m on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest too.

Now, here’s the Happy List!


I’m assuming these doors are quite expensive. However, I think they could also be DIY’d.

See more pictures of this home in My Domaine.

(image: My Domaine photo: Lisa Romerein; design: Jute Home)


If you’re stuck on finding an inexpensive, non-tech gift for a child this Christmas, let me share with you what my 8-year-old son recently spent his OWN MONEY purchasing: a gym scooter.

It’s around $16 on Amazon and has rubber wheels. I call it a ‘gym scooter‘ because they use these in schools on the hardwood gym floors. They wouldn’t use them if they scratched the floors. The wheels are a super hard rubber and it has not made one mark on our wood floors or tile.

I’m not going to say my son hasn’t crashed into a wall or two though, so it’s not a perfect gift, but it keeps him entertained when the weather is lousy.

It also helps us during homework time. Go figure! He’s much more likely to spend a longer amount of time practicing his multiplication facts or vocabulary words if he can spin on the scooter while I quiz him. If you have an active child then you’ll understand that giving their body something to do while their brain is working seems to be a helpful combination.


All my dreams have come true…

Look at this door handle made by a company in Utah, Rustica Hardware.

(image: Rustica Hardware)

You guys know I’d love to figure out how to do that leather braiding myself, right?


I adore the exterior character that this home possesses.



Last week, both of my children participated in an Hour of Code at their respective schools. This is a worldwide event designed to encourage kids to learn computer coding.

I can’t even tell you how much FUN they both had with the Hour of Code event. In fact, they’ve continued to use the Hour of Code site since then to make games and learn how to code in the process.

Also, this free training isn’t just for kids. Adults can do it too! I’ve messed around with it.

If your kids did not participate in Hour of Code, please tell them about the site.

If you are in the U.S., you can also learn about Computer Science standards (or if there are any) in your state’s education system.


The Happy List is random. Let this be your reminder.

Tis the season for dry skin, so I wanted to tell you about something that is saving the Jones household.

My son had an excema flare-up this summer. It was a bad one and resulted in bubbles between his fingers. It was as painful and gross as it sounds. Aveeno Eczema Therapy Daily Moisturizing Cream cleared it up within a few days. Over Thanksgiving the skin on the tops of his hands became dry and cracked from where his skin was rubbing on his snow gloves. Again, this Aveeno lotion did the trick and he now puts it on at night as a preemptive measure.

I’ve been using it as well for regular dry hands and have been so pleased at how long it lasts…even after I wash my hands.


Did you read the story about the 7-year-old boy who wanted to send a birthday letter to his dad in heaven?

The U.K.’s Royal Mail sent a response to the boy that in part read, “This was a difficult challenge avoiding stars and other galactic objects on route to heaven…However, please be assured that this particular important item of mail has been delivered.”

Read the full story and the mom’s heartfelt response on BBC News.

Honestly, I got a little choked up just reading this story and it’s worth your time to read it.

(image: Teri Copland/PA Wire via BBC News)


I know the recipe is called ‘fruit’ dip, but don’t you think this sounds like it would be good on a brownie or chocolate crinkle cookie?

The 3-ingredient recipe can be found at Julie Blanner.

(image: Julie Blanner)


“It’s just that most things, the kinds of things we want the most, happen slowly. Hearts heal slowly. Love grows slowly. Trees grow slowly. It’s weeds that grow fast. – Author, Allison Fallon

Find Allison on her website, Twitter, and Instagram.

Last, but not least, if you haven’t read Miss Mustard Seed‘s recent post titled, “A New Standard of Measurement,” it’s a good one. It’s a thoughtful look at living a big life versus a small life and what that really means – especially if we stop comparing our life to someone else’s.

That’s it for today’s Happy List!

Thanks for being here and making my day. I hope you have a fantastic weekend.



*affiliate links used in this post.*

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