Taking The Week Off For Spring Break!
It’s Spring Break in our house! Finally.
Does it feel like a late Spring Break to you? It feels like one to me.
Our kids won’t finish the school year until the end of the third week in June, so maybe it make sense.
We do not have any Spring Break travel plans. Handy Husband has to work and the kids start spring sports this week.
It doesn’t mean we won’t have plenty of fun on our staycation though.
Although, I am not going to cross over a river on a pipe! I’ve done that once and don’t need to do it again.
I hope you have a happy week and I’ll be back next Monday with more stories to share and projects to reveal!
Chris Schwab
I know your kids must be extraordinarily resilient but I am curious as to how they are settling in to an American school. I’m sure the differences must be fairly substantial…or maybe not? Anyway, just wondering how we stack up. I hope all is well for them.
Enjoy your break! 😊
They are resilient. And maybe I should write more about the transition and the differences I’ve found. Although, it would be impossible to do a true comparison because school districts across the U.S. are so different. Long story short, neither child was behind academically. I was worried that there might have been some gaps, say in math, but haven’t found any huge ones. The biggest thing my daughter has noticed (she’s now in 6th) is that she missed out on two years of American history and the year when kids learn states and capitals. On the flip side, she knows a lot about European history and geography. For my son, it was just the faster pace of academia that he had to get used to. There’s also a lot of emphasis on tests in his elementary school and that takes some adjustment as well if you are prone to worrying about those things. NJ, on the whole, has excellent public schools and they usually rank in the top 10 across the country.