
Tybee Island, Georgia

We are currently enjoying and exploring Tybee Island, Georgia. If I was prone to squealing with delight, this would definitely be the occasion for it.


This is our first time on the island and one thing our whole family loves is exploring new places. For 3 out of the 4 of us, it is our first time to the Atlantic Ocean too! We’ve been on the island for about 4 hours now and we’ve already had our toes in the sand and salt water in our hair.


The weather was gorgeous today and the water was nice and warm! We can’t wait to do some more exploring tomorrow.


We are renting a small house about 4 blocks from the beach. My 7-year old daughter packed her backpack with toys. I knew she had done that, but I didn’t check her bag. When we arrived, she promptly claimed her room and started unpacking. This is what I found in just one area. Who knew so many stuffed animals could fit in one backpack?


I’m sure I will share more about our trip later! For now, I am going to soak up all of the sun, sand and family time I can. Tybee Island may very well be my new happy place!

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