
Fall Vignette

Do you go crazy with holiday or seasonal decorations?

Me? Not so much. I love looking at everyone else’s decorations though and I admire the beautiful spaces they create.

Let’s face it…my kitchen table most often resembles a lego factory. Or a toy construction site. Or a Littlest Pet Shop playground. Or a Rescue Bot battleground. You get the point. It requires actual effort to use the table for something crazy like eating.

I decided to take a moment the other day to take a couple of quick snaps of our kitchen eating area while the kids were at school. You’ll see the paper pumpkins that I talked about last week.
The 3 white pumpkins are ones from the Dollar Store that I painted a few years ago. Our tabletop could stand to be refinished, but I don’t see the point while the kids are young and I’m dealing with regular spills and dings.

The wall clock actually does work. We found it at a store somewhere in Minnesota maybe 10 or 12 years ago. (How does time fly that fast???) It just ticks really loudly and drives me nuts, so I removed the batteries years ago. I love that clock so much that I actually removed a window in our last home so that I’d have enough wall space for it. Granted, it was an old, ugly planter window, but still…

The pumpkin stands are upside-down heart-shaped planters that my mom made two or three decades ago. I love how weathered they have become over the years. My mom died 10 years ago, so it’s special to have and use things that she made.


I wisely moved the pumpkins and stands off the table before the kids got home from school and they became a casualty of an intense Rescue Bot recovery mission. They are elsewhere around our home now. Everything else stayed. A little bit of pretty, fall decor makes me happy. Having a houseful of imaginative children makes me even happier though. 🙂

Thanks for being here today! If you have more time, I have more fall-related posts!

Denim Striped and Flower Petal Faux Pumpkins

DIY Palm Leaf Broom

Paper Pumpkins

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