deck with outdoor string lights
gardening and landscape

Adding Magic To Our Deck With String Lights

Am I the last person on earth to add string lights to their deck?

It kind of feels like it, but I know that’s an exaggeration.

Not everyone has a deck or a backyard, so I feel extremely blessed.

Adding Magic To Our Deck With String Lights

We’ve spent the last three years working on our outdoor spaces.

It occurred to us during the long, cold winter that maybe we should stop and enjoy those outdoor spaces once the weather warmed up.

Otherwise, what was the point of all that work?

Although the more time we spend enjoying our outdoor spaces the more projects we dream up to tackle.

Because that’s what you do when you’re relaxing, right?


We’re doing it wrong, aren’t we?

Darn it.

Adding Magic To Our Deck With String Lights

We opted to hang our outdoor string lights off to the side of the deck instead of directly over the deck for one big reason.

We were trying to avoid visual pollution.

Visual pollution is the term I use when an otherwise gorgeous or interesting view is mucked up by something mundane like power lines or signage.

In order to hang the string lights directly over the deck, we’d have to erect poles to hoist the lights high enough. That meant I’d have to look at the poles and the lights in the daytime when staring out into our backyard.

This wouldn’t have bothered me in any other house that we’ve lived in.

This house is different though. I can’t fully explain why.

All I know is, for the first time in my life, when I look out in our backyard, which reminds me of a park, it’s like my soul can exhale.

Have you ever experienced that feeling? It’s glorious.

Adding Magic To Our Deck With String Lights

I imagine there will be other homes in our future and this feeling of peace isn’t guaranteed, so I want to savor it now and treat it like the gift that it is.

Did you know I still feel giddy sometimes that we have the privilege of living on this property and restoring this old house? I seriously don’t know why no one else snatched it up in the 13 months it was on the market.

That means I’m fairly mindful about how we use and decorate our outdoor spaces. I was adamant that I didn’t want to have to look around string lights on poles during the daylight hours to see our backyard view.

Plus, we had a convenient way to hang the string lights off to the side of the deck. By doing so, we were able to visually connect the Carriage House (the building with the black metal roof) to the main house’s deck in a fun, whimsical way.

Adding Magic To Our Deck With String Lights

I’m so happy we finally added string lights to our deck.

It makes the whole space feel magical and has been prompting us, especially while the weather is still pleasant, to hang out on the deck more often.

There’s just one small problem. A tiny one, really, that’s interfering with the amount of time I have to enjoy the string lights.

Does anyone know how I can become a night owl?

P.S. While I am mindful about how we use and decorate our spaces, I’m not a complete tyrant. I approved the installation of the ugliest badminton net in the backyard. We’re all terribly bad at badminton and it makes for hilarious gameplay.

Products Used On Our Deck:

Outdoor String Lights  – 25-ft  (I can’t speak to their longevity, but so far so good. The light strands work even if not all the bulbs are in use. We used 3 strands. A bit of caution though –  do not drop the lights on a stone slab. They will break!)

Table – Old

Chairs – Old from Target (here’s something similar from Target)

Black and White Umbrella – 7.5-ft

Thanks for being here today! It makes my day to share our old house experiences with you. Here are some other posts you might enjoy.

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