
When Your Husband Takes Your Prank Seriously

Last week the kids and I headed to our nearest Habitat ReStore to see if they had any furniture gems on hand.

I’m on the hunt for three dressers, outdoor furniture and a desk.

We also really need a couch or some living room chairs, but I anticipate buying those new.

This particular ReStore was huge and packed with treasures.

I was distracted by this cabinet and thought it would look amazing painted. It wasn’t what I needed at the moment, but the hardware was incredible.

Of course we tried out a rocking chair that was missing a seat.

That’s what one does when you discover a seatless chair.

This is a good example of finding bottom hands on learning opportunities in the most unlikely places.

Are seats really necessary? Debatable.

Where did the seat go? Someone needed it for a treehouse. 

How could we make a new seat? Get the old one back. 

We had a good conversation.

Then I found THIS…


Where did this couch come from? In what world would this be your furniture choice?

I could only imagine it came from a casino or the set of an Austin Powers movie.

So I did the only reasonable thing I could think of at the moment…

I texted Handy Husband to tell him I found our couch.

He never replied, which is not unusual when he’s at work. I would have appreciated  a LOL though.

When I picked him up at work that night (living the one car life) he gets in the car and says, “so are they delivering the couch today?”


That would have been an excellent way to prank me back. The perfect comeback, right?

It would have been a really great way to end this story too.

Except he was serious.

I guess after nearly 20 years of marriage he has abdicated all decorating decisions to me, no matter how outlandish.

Happy wife, happy life. Is that how the saying goes?

I’ve pondered what the takeaway should be from this enlightening moment. There are just so many different directions I could go with this, but I’ve settled on one broad idea.

It’s time for me to cut loose.

P.S. $450 for THIS particular used couch makes the tasteful, new one I found on sale for $1300 look like a pretty good deal. Don’t you think?

Thanks for visiting the ol’ blog today. Here are some other stories that might make you laugh. Or seriously question my judgment.

Bird Nest in a Shoe

Friday Funnies

You Know You’re a Farmer’s Kid When



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