Caption This
This might be my favorite photo of me EVER. It totally beats all those pictures of me in 3rd grade with a mullet. Thanks Mom. The expressions on these girls’ faces? Priceless. You know you’re doing a good job as a parent if your kids alternate between amazed and embarrassed beyond belief by your antics. I’m trying to settle on a way to caption this photo. I was trying to teach these girls how to do one of those “jump high in the air” photos. I’d say I knocked it out of the ballpark… on so many levels. Don’t be surprised if this becomes my Christmas card. So, if you have an idea…
Horsing Around
Hello, hello! I’m popping in to say there’s no real post today because we’ve been having way too much fun playing with friends and family this week. Oh, and there’s been an actual horse to swoon over too! We’re definitely stockpiling happy memories this week! Things will be back to normal next week. Maybe. 😉 Since this post was so short, I feel like I short-changed you! Try one of these! Braided Denim Pumpkin Spiced Apple Cider Baked Donut Holes Decorating Your Flower Beds Farmhouse Pottery Barn Knock Off – Update One Year Later Share this:
Fishing with Dad
I’ve been having more than my fair share of those moments lately. The moments that take your breath away. The moments you want to savor and memorize so you can replay them later in your mind. I think I’m more in-tune with these moments because I feel a season is ending for our family. In August both of my kids will be in school all day. They aren’t babies any longer and it’s time to move on to the next phase of life. I can’t freeze the clock, so I figure I have two choices. I can either go kicking and screaming into the next phase or I can relish the present…
Dreaming of a Lake House
I’ve said for a long time that my “forever” house is somewhere on a lake. I envision a place with a big deck and a screened-in porch. A place where wet feet are always welcome and towels hang on the deck railing. A place where my grandchildren will come and visit during the summer. I can picture them laughing while they jump off the dock and go for a swim. Maybe after dinner they’ll get out the fishing poles and catch a huge fish. We had one of those days today. You know the ones? A day where you just want to freeze time for a moment because it is so…
A Simple, Yet Fun Birthday Tradition
My children are 3 years and 23 hours apart. One day I was at Chuck E. Cheese celebrating my daughter turning 3 and the next day I was told if I left the doctor’s office to go home, I needed to carry blankets in the car. Since they were being all melodramatic about it, I decided to go to the hospital. Turns out I really was having a baby that day. We’re long past the diaper and pacifier stage. This week, these two turned 5 and 8. Photo Credit: Meg Davidson Photography I haven’t quite figured out the “best” way to celebrate birthdays that are one day apart. It seems we just go…
Mothering Without a Mother
When I was pregnant with my daughter, my first child, I sat alone on the exam table at my first ob-gyn appointment. My doctor’s office didn’t book initial pregnancy visits until somewhere near the end of the first trimester, so I had waited what felt like forever to get some clarity on this situation. Things like, were the first 15 home pregnancy tests I had taken accurate? Ha! Part of me really hoped I just had the world’s longest case of food poisoning because the enormity of what a pregnancy meant for our lives was just a little too new, a little too big to fully comprehend. Don’t get me wrong. I…
The Big 4-1 and the Hilarity of Baseball
Someone turned the big 4-1 this week. Forty-one. Wow. NO! It was NOT me. I’ve still got years to go on that one. 🙂 Not that I rub that in or anything. I went all out for the husband’s birthday and slaved away…at the bakery deciding which cupcakes to purchase. In case you are wondering, I selected lemon meringue, cookies & cream, salted caramel, birthday cake, carrot and Boston creme. If you are in Georgia, Jilly’s Cupcakery has to-die-for cupcakes. My husband and I voted and the salted caramel was our favorite. The hubby got off work early on his birthday so he could watch this girl get her karate…
Free Lego Magazine
2018 Update: The Lego Magazine is now called Lego Life. It is still free and you can subscribe to it here. A few months ago I was at a friend’s house and saw a Lego Club Magazine on their coffee table. I leafed through it thinking my kids would love to receive something like this. Then she told me it was free. Shut the front door! Free is a magic word around here, folks! I jumped on that deal faster than my kids will pick up a piece of candy off the ground. My 4-year-old now receives Lego Club Junior and my 7-year-old receives the Lego Club version, which is geared for older kids.…
Around These Parts
I haven’t done a “what’s happening” post for the family in awhile, so if you’re not one of the 1.7 people out there who cares about my iPhone photos…come back next time! Last week school was cancelled twice. I’m not exactly sure why other than the threat of inclement weather. Funny thing, though. We had no inclement weather those days. Dry and cold, no moisture surrounding the school hours. Tuesday of this week we woke up to snow! Yes, folks everywhere but here, I realize a dusting of snow is a joke, but in Georgia even a small amount can cause a big problem. Oh, and the kids had school that…
Cookies for Santa
Yes, I know December was sooo last year. However, I wanted to get to these pictures before oh, say, July rolled around. My kids at 7 and 4 years old still believe (or want to believe) in Santa Claus. Shoot, I want to believe in Santa Claus. What’s not to love about that jolly old fella? I think my daughter knows Santa isn’t real, but she’s holding on tight to the magic. Frankly, I hope she holds onto the wonderment and fantasy for as long as possible. You’re only a little kid once. No need to rush things and grow up too fast! This little guy definitely believes in Santa Claus.…