
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.

A holiday ubiquitous with turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie.

While Americans in the U.S. are on pumpkin-everything overload, Americans in Ireland are googling “where to buy canned pumpkin.”

I’ll give you a hint. One store carries it.

And it’s sold out.

Fresh pumpkins left the store shelves October 31, so that’s out as an option too.

It’s a good thing pumpkin pie isn’t really my thing.


I’ve been told Thanksgiving is the loneliest day of the year for expats living in Ireland.

Way to sugarcoat it, people.

My goodness.

Why is it the loneliest day of the year?

I suppose it’s because you’re separated from extended family and friends on a day, for Americans, that’s traditionally all about gathering together. Since tomorrow is just a regular day if you live outside of the U.S., it’s a day you watch from the outside looking in while it all plays out on social media.


With that said, this post is not a blatant, woe-is-me plea.

I have much more finesse than that.


In all seriousness, it is not woe-is-me because I am acutely aware of two things: I have so much I AM thankful for today and WILL BE thankful for tomorrow too.

I am blessed to have family and friends to miss and that quite possibly miss me from time to time. Not everyone can say that.

I am blessed to have food, shelter, clothing, safety and good health in my life. Not everyone can say that.

I am blessed to be sharing life’s grandest adventures with the man I love and our children. Not everyone can say that.

It doesn’t mean my life is without hiccups, but viewed through the lens of gratefulness and a lot of humor, I am very blessed. So bring on those Thanksgiving pictures because I want to share in your joy too. Thank you for reading and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

Since it is Thanksgiving, how about a present! Here are some free printables for you!

Thanksgiving Cards – free printable

Vintage Looking Animal Prints

America, America – free printable

Love is All you Need – free printable

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