gardening and landscape
Birdhouse on a Post
This is a birdhouse post about a birdhouse on a post. (Prepositions are little, but mighty.) In this particular instance, it is not so much a house, but a bird chapel. Preach it little birdies. If you have or find or make an amazing birdhouse, you don’t always have to hang it in a tree. No sir. Bring it closer, make it a part of your outdoor decor. Stick it on a post! My stepmom secured this bird chapel her super-talented brother made for her on top of an old 4×4 fence post. To get the fence post to stand upright without putting it into the ground she cut four…
Potting Shed, Part 1
We spent Thanksgiving in Oregon visiting family and friends. It was so much fun to visit and catch up. Except for that part where we all got sick – that I can do without next time. One of the perks of the trip (besides not having to cook for 10 days straight) was seeing the projects that my dad and stepmom had been working on over the summer. Holy cowbells! They’ve been busy little bees. The most impressive project was the potting shed. Isn’t she charming? Don’t you just want to sit there on that blue chair and watch someone else plant flowers and pull weeds? Oh, wait. That’s might just…
What a View Wednesday – Oregon House
Since I’m still giddy over being given access to the real estate photos from our Oregon house, I thought I’d keep on sharing. Lucky you! One of the things we loved the most about the property was the view. These pictures were taken around the first of October of 2013. The view out the back of the house looks west. Try to look at the beautiful trees and not the lawn that needed some help. It came a long way… Many a fun, Friday night were spent on this deck! This is looking down the right side of the house. The little structure you see is…